Producers and processors

Apply for or Renew Membership, or Become a Non-Member Vendor

Grays Harbor · Lewis · Mason· Pierce · Thurston
Local Producers harvesting

joining the sW Washington Food hub

Southwest Washington Food Hub is enthusiastically accepting new members. In order to participate in the hub, vendors must meet general seller eligibility requirements. Businesses interested in selling through the SW Washington Food Hub should align with the Co-op’s mission, values and principles. SW Washington Food Hub is part of a farmer-owned co-op — owned and run by and for our members. Member participation on committees and at meetings is encouraged and deeply appreciated.

Membership Types

There are two categories of membership in the hub. 

  • Member Vendors (ranchers, growers, foragers, fishers, or other producers)
  • Non-Member Vendors (processors)

Member Vendor Requirements:

  • Annual Membership Fee: $200.00
  • One-time Purchase of Common Stock: $100.00
  • Margin: 23%

Non-Member Vendor Requirements:

  • Annual Membership Fee: $175.00
  • Margin: 33%

For more information, please see the membership categories

Southwest Washington Food Hub offers an online application process for all growers, ranchers, and other producers looking to apply. Before you submit an online application, you’ll need to sign a number of documents to upload. Please review this checklist and gather the necessary documents before applying. You can find two of the blank documents you’ll need below.

If you have questions  or concerns regarding any of the documents listed in the checklist, please reach out, we’re happy to help. 

New Member Application

Please review the application checklist before beginning an application.

New Non-member Vendor application (processors)

Southwest Washington Food Hub offers an online application process for non-member vendors (processors). Before you submit an online application, you’ll need to sign a number of documents to upload. Please review this checklist and gather the necessary documents before applying. You can find two of the blank documents you’ll need below. 

If you have questions  or concerns regarding any of the documents listed in the checklist, please reach out, we’re happy to help. 

Please dismiss any language specific to producers on the application and fill it as a processor. to upload

Non-Member Vendor Application

Please review the application checklist before beginning an application.

Returning Member and Non-Member Vendor Annual renewal

Now you can renew and pay all online! The entire process should take no more than twenty minutes, likely less. 

Member renewal is due by March 31 each year. 

Pay your annual fee, answer optional annual sales questions, and update any information or forms that have changed over the past year

Pay your annual participation fee on SW WA Food Hub’s Melio page.